Common Tree Diseases

Common Tree Diseases in North Carolina

Common tree diseases can occur and cause unsightly blemishes on any tree or death if untreated.  If the disease is discovered early, it can usually be treated.  Here is a closer look at some of the most common tree diseases in North Carolina.


Brown Spot Needle Blight:  It causes pine tree needles to turn brown and defoliate.  It can affect most pine species growing in dense areas with limited sunlight and air movement.  It has become a serious problem in Christmas tree farms.

Canker:  A fungus that causes trees to develop sores or bruises called cankers.  The trees develop dark brown or purple sunken blemishes on the trunk or branches and can cause resin leakage.  Pruning to remove and destroy as much of the canker as possible will prevent the disease from spreading

Root Rot:  The tree roots are responsible for absorbing and distributing water and nutrients to all areas of the tree.  Root rot is caused by various fungi that infect the roots and lower stems of trees.  The signs of root rot are patches of white interwoven fans growing beneath the tree bark, black spaghetti cylindrical fungal tissues under the bark, or brown mushrooms appearing after heavy rainfall in the fall.

Anthracnose:  It is caused by a group of fungi that causes spots to appear on oak, maple, sycamore, ash, dogwood, and walnut trees.  They appear along the veins of leaves as pale-green or brownish-gray spots and move outward.  After several years, the defoliation can weaken the tree and decrease the tree’s strength allowing opportunistic pests to cause more harm or damage the tree.

It is important to examine your trees frequently and look for signs of disease.  Get professional help to determine how to cure the disease.  Early detection can prevent your tree from having to be cut down.  Call Integrity Tree Care today for all your tree needs.

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