The average tree has a lifespan of anywhere from 50 to 75 years, although many live much longer than that. However, if you want your trees to last for a long time, you need to find ways to maintain optimal tree health.
Do you want to learn more about tree maintenance, trimming, pruning, and more? Keep reading these 10 tips for maintaining tree health!
1. Plant the Right Kind of Tree
One of the most important things you can do to keep your tree well maintained is to plant the right kind of tree! When you plant a tree that isn’t meant for your climate or that has specific soil and light needs that you can’t provide, it isn’t surprising that it will not thrive.
Before you plant, do your research. If you still don’t know what kind of tree you should plant, you can visit your local plant nursery for a consultation!
2. Water Often
Another reason that new trees may not thrive is if they are not getting the right amount of water! Watering is especially important as you are planting new trees. If they don’t get enough water to begin with, their roots will never develop properly.
While mature trees don’t always need to be watered, you need to make sure you water them when they don’t have access to water on their own, like in times of drought.
If you don’t water your trees properly, the roots will be shallow and it will not be able to thrive.
3. Fertilize When Needed
Many people believe that you need to fertilize trees every single year. However, trees only really need to be fertilized when they are young. This can help them grow into established trees, but mature trees often have the nutrients they need.
Another reason that you might need to fertilize your trees is if they are visibly sick or are growing poorly. This is often a sign that your trees aren’t getting the nutrients they need from the soil. You can fertilize your trees when needed to ensure they grow!
4. Learn How To Prune Properly
Something that you need to do when you plant trees is learning how to prune them properly. Trimming your trees and pruning them can help make them more sturdy and strong.
When you prune your trees, you can prevent breakage and damage from overly heavy branches, it can help your tree fight sickness, and it also makes your tree look more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing!
If you don’t know how to properly prune a tree, you can also hire a professional tree trimming service to take care of it for you!
5. Protect Tree Roots
Because underground roots are what anchor a tree into the ground and allow them to get their proper nutrients, it is vital that you protect the roots of your trees.
There are many ways you can protect your roots. First, if you are ever using any power equipment around your trees, you need to be careful! This includes anything like a car or a truck as well. When you drive over areas with roots beneath, it can compact the soil and even kill your roots!
Another way you can protect your tree roots is by adding a layer of mulch.
6. Prevent Pests
There are many pests that can kill or severely damage your trees as they are growing. For example, Japanese Beetles are an invasive pest that can weaken your trees. This leaves your trees more susceptible to other diseases.
Another common pest to trees is caterpillars. As they strip the leaves of your trees, the lack of foliage can be damaging for your trees.
To prevent pests, you can apply pest control and prevention products to your trees or you can hire a professional arborist to help you as well.
7. Mulch Often
As was mentioned previously, it is important to add mulch to protect the root of your trees. When you add mulch to the base of your tree, it helps conserve moisture for your tree and it also regulates the temperature of the soil.
Mulching is vital for young trees, but it also is beneficial for older trees as well. You should replace your mulch every few years, or as soon as you notice it beginning to decompose.
8. Test Soil
As was mentioned previously, sometimes you need to fertilize your trees if they aren’t getting the right amount of nutrients from the soil.
One way you can help your trees is by testing your soil. You can get a soil testing kit from any garden store which can help you find what minerals are in your soil and which ones are lacking.
This will allow you to find the right kind of fertilizer to help your trees grow!
9. Support Fast-Growing Limbs
Often, young trees are unable to support the weight of their limbs as they are growing. This is especially true with fruit trees that are heavily laden with fruit in the spring and summer months.
To prevent tree limbs from breaking off, you can find ways to support these limbs. For example, you can use cables. These cables will take the weight off of your tree limbs until they are strong enough to hold themselves up.
10. Recognize Tree Diseases and Other Bad Signs
Finally, it is important that you know how to recognize tree diseases and other signs that your tree is not flourishing.
Often, if you wait too long to take care of your trees, it is too late to help them regain their strength. By recognizing these warning signs, you can keep your tree healthy for longer!
Improve Your Tree Health With a Tree Care Company!
It can be difficult to maintain tree health if you don’t know where to begin. However, following each of these tips can help you grow healthier and stronger trees! If you don’t feel ready to take care of your trees on your own, you can find a professional tree care company to help.
Do you need help with tree care in Charlotte, Indian Trail, or Monroe, North Carolina? Integrity Tree Care can help! Contact our team today to learn more about our tree care services and to see how we can help you with tree maintenance.